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Marcel castro review week of may 18 20 continued

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Arizona State University
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Review: Week of May 18 - 20, (CONTINUED) READ ATTENTIVELY AND DO WHAT IS REQUESTED I- Read the passage and list in the chart the Allied Powers and the Central Powers that fought in World War I. In World War I, the main alliances were the Allied powers and the Central powers. Great Britain, france, and Russia were the Allied powers. Germany, Austria – Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire were the central powers. The members of each alliance were allies. They promised to defend any other member of the alliance who was attacked. Allied Powers Central Powers Great Britain, france, and Russia Germany, Austria – Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire II- Read the following passage and answer the questions: The United States Enters the war At first, Americans showed no interest in fighting what they saw as a European war. Safe across the Atlantic Ocean, the United States had long followed a policy of isolationism. This policy reached back as far as the late 1700s when George washington warned Americans to avoid political ties with other nations. Two events finally persuaded Americans to join the Allied powers. The first was the sinking of a passenger ship, the Lusitania, by a German submarine in 1915. One hundred and twenty-eight Americans died. Many American citizens now called for war on Germany. The second event was the Zimmermann note. This coded telegram asked Mexico to join the central powers if the United States declared war on on Germany. In return, Germany would help Mexico ...
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