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Running Head: TWO MAJOR THEMES IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETS Two Major Themes in International Markets Author’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date 1 TWO MAJOR THEMES IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETS 2 Two Major Themes in International Markets The themes are extracted from Chapter 7, which broadly discusses international markets. In a nutshell, chapter 7 discusses market conditions in many countries that influence organization’s strategic choice to enter foreign markets to compete. In this assignment, the first theme picked is “why companies decide to enter foreign markets.”There are underlying reasons why some business organizations elect to go beyond their national borders to do business. The second theme is “the impact of government policies and economic conditions in host countries.” Without a doubt, the policies the government of foreign countries makes for businesses that enter their markets impact business operations of multinational corporations. Thus, this essay evaluates the decisions that influence companies to enter foreign markets and how government policies in the host countries impact their operations. Theme 1: “Why companies decide to enter foreign markets” Internationalization has been growing and creating opportunities for businesses across their national borders. According to Banioniene, and Dagiliene, (2017) note that papers have been analyzing the technological catch up at domestic foreign company’s level. The authors evaluated the relationship ...
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