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Q4 week 4 learning activity sheet

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Page 1 of 3 IMUS NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Schools Division of Imus City Region IV – CALABARZON ENGLISH 10 QUARTER 4 – MODULE 4 Q4 WEEK 4: DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES IN EXPANDED DEFINITION OF WORDS MELC: Give expanded definition of words Name of Learner: Kychelle R. Pines Grade Level: Grade 10 Section: Agate Date: June 8, 2021 LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET WEEK 4 (June 7-11, 2021) LEARNING TASK 1 (15 points) Directions: Read the statements very carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it says otherwise. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. False 1. Conceptual is pointing words or things with one another. False 2. Constructing refers to words related to each other. True 3. Definition is the meaning of a word or phrase. True 4. Etymology is knowing the roots of a term or word. False 5. Cause and effect determine how phenomena or events are related to one another. ...
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