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Lab 1protista

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Fiji National University
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Lab 1: KINGDOM PROTISTA (55marks) Aim: This lab aims to compare the structure and activity of three different groups of protists. You will be observing two animal-like protists (Amoeba and Paramecium) and one plant like Protista (Euglena). Introduction Kingdom Protista is often referred to as the “Junk Drawer Kingdom” because it includes many eukaryotic organisms that do not fit into other Kingdoms. Many protists are unicellular, but some protists are multicellular. Some protists are heterotrophic, some are autotrophic, and some are both. Most live in water, but some are found in moist soil or even the human body. As you can see, there are many characteristics of protists, and the only thing they ALL have in common is the fact that they are EUKARYOTIC organisms. Protists are classified based on two factors: how they obtain nutrition and how they move. These classification factors l ...
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