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Test Plan Document

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Running Head: TEST PLAN DOCUMENT 1 Test Plan Document Name Institutional Affiliation Date TEST PLAN DOCUMENT 2 Test plan document Introduction A test plan document is a report which describes the software testing activities and scope. This document is the basis of testing the proposed system software and requirements in a project. This document describes an organization’s approach, scope, resources as well as the schedule of test activities intended to be conducted on their system. It identifies the test items, testing tasks, the system features that needs to be tested, the people who will conduct the testing task, the independence extent of the tester, the design techniques of the test and the entry/exit criteria, activity test environment, the chosen rationale as well as contingency planning of risks involved. As a summary, it gives a record of the planning process of the test. The test plan is both a master test plan and a phase test plan in that it typically addresses several test levels and at the same time addresses individual test phase (Hinchee, Ong, Miller, Downey & Frandt, 1992). The test plan document provides Plans for activities on every level of testing that i ...
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