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The contemporary world gec 121 week 10 module finals

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Module 6 Sustainable Development GEC 121 – Contemporary World Unit VI – Towards a Sustainable World At the end of this lesson, you should be able to: 1. Differentiate stability from sustainability; 2. Articulate models of global sustainable development; and 3. Define global food security. Lesson 1 Sustainable Development There are some significant downsides to globalize trade and perhaps the strongest argument against economic globalization is its lack of sustainability or the degree to which the earth's resources can be used for our needs, even in the future. Specifically, the development of our world today by using the earth's resources and the preservation of such sources for the future is called Sustainable Development. In other words, development has to be ensured in and for the future generations. One significant global response or approach to economic globalization is that of sustainable development, which seeks to chart a middle path between economic growth and a sustainable environment (Borghesi and Vercelli, 2008). The relationship between globalization and sustainability is multidimensional—it involves economic, political, and technological aspects. The continuous production of the world's natural resources, such as water and fossil fuel allow humanity to discover and innovate many things. We were able to utilize energy, discover new technologies, and make advancements in transportation and communication. However, these positive effects of development pu ...
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