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Assignment 3: Parenting Practices Over Generations

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Parenting Practices Over Generations
Parenting a child is a very important role. Parents teach a child how to behave and
they provide the needs for the child. Parenting practices varies from generation to generation.
In the chart below I have described parenting practices over generations in my family.
Generation 1:
Years children
were raised (Years
Generation 3: Years
Parenting Practice 1: Education Medium standards
High standards
Parenting Practice 2: Religious
High standards High standards High standards
Parenting Practice 3:
High standards
Low standards
Parenting Practice 4: Extra
curriculum activities
Low standards
Medium standards
Similarities and differences in these styles between three generations
Each generation of parent practicing, expressed and viewed the importance of
education among all generation of children. As a child we were made to go to school and we
enjoyed going as well. Parents would express how important it was to finish high school, and

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Parenting Practices Over Generations
afterwards go to college or get a trade. The encouragement of going to college became more
intense over generations. Early on it was about completing high school.
Parents seem to have an understanding and significance of institution of the church in
earlier years (Cozby, 2009). Among generations, parents encouraged children to go to church
and to bible study, at the church. Even though the level of involvement in church differs, as a
child we had to go to church and to bible study. We had to be active in the church as well.
However when we were considered an adult, we had a choice to go to church or not.
Parenting practices that was instilled in me at an early age, is still engrained in me.
Breast feeding was a very high standard for our family. Early on, everyone would
breast feed, and believed in just that. Parenting emphasized how healthy and important it was
to breast feed. Throughout generations family members began to rely more on formula, than
breast feeding.
Early on in our generation, parenting did not focus on extra curriculum activities as
much. All of the kids in the neighbourhood loved to go outside and play street ball, skate and
just hang out. However, for Christmas parents would but balls, games, skates, jump ropes and
etc. Later in our generation parents in our family suggested that we participated in sports in
school, but they did not push us to participate.
Cohort effects and its influence on the parenting practices of each generation:
The effects of being born at about the same time, exposed to the same in society, and
influenced by the same demographic trends & thus, having similar experiences that make
group unique from other group. Cohort effects are most likely to be a problem during cross-
sectional study as it is difficult to separate effects of developmental changes from cohort
effects when examining age effects across a wide range of ages.

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Parenting a child is a very important role. Parents teach a child how to behave and they provide the needs for the child. Parenting practices varies from generation to generation. In the chart below I have described parenting practices over generations in my family. ? Generation 1: Years children were raised (Years (1960-1970)) Generation2: Years Years(1980-2000) Generation 3: Years Years(2000-2014) Parenting Practice 1: Education ?Medium standards ?Medium standards ?High standards Parenting Practice 2: Religious Involvement ?High standards ?High standards ?High standards Parenting Practice 3: Breastfeeding ?High standards ?Medium standards ?Low standards Parenting Practice 4: Extra curriculum activities ?Low standards ?Medium standards ?Medium standards Similarities and differences in these styles between three generations Each generation of parent practicing, expressed and viewed the importance of education among all generation of children. As a child we were made to go to school and we enjoyed going as well. Parents would express how important it was to finish high school, and afterwards go to college or get a trade. The encouragement of going to college became more intense over generations. Early on it was about completing high school. Parents seem to have an understanding and significance of institution of the church in earlier years (Cozby, 2009). Among generations, parents encouraged children to go to church and to bible study, at the church. Even though the level ...
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