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Institutional Advantages Of Territorial Rulers

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Political Science
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Surname 1 Name Instructor Institution Date Institutional Advantages of Territorial Rulers Introduction Territory has been described differently by many scholars; however, one of the more famous and earlier descriptions of the concept according is by Jim Gottman. He describes territory from the Latin word Terra which refers to land and Torium which means belonging to a ruler (Hassan). Territory can, therefore, be broadly described on that basis as the land he belongs to a ruler or State which informs the behavior or territorial style of leadership. In the traditional sense, the concept of state sovereignty has evolved based on the existence of boundaries. From the end of World War, the issue of state sovereignty was interpreted to fall in either of two categories as internal or external. The former pointed to the existence of a supreme jurisdiction over the people, the resources, and other forms of authorities within the territories that it controlled (Wang). The external sovereignty, however, referred to the territorial integrity of the state is inviolate. However, the two forms of state sovereignty have their basis on the idea of frontiers. Going back to the earlier agreements, the 1648 Peace of Westphalia became the main foundation of the modern international system (Wang). Under territorial leadership institutional some advantages were evident which often would result in a temporary sense of comfort for the citizenry but often resulted in failed leadership and state. Nume ...
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