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Becoming A Reader

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Aspen University
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Running head: BECOMING A READER 1 Becoming a Reader Name Professor Course Date BECOMING A READER 2 Becoming a Reader Introduction One of the most important skills of attaining literacy in children is by developing the children's reading skills. This makes reading one of the most important educational skills that children learn. The organization of text and the meaning attached to it are essential in helping children read. Even more important is the reading instruction. The reading instruction in teaching reading and writing by developing the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate phonemes in written texts enables children to develop the prerequisite skills in reading. As such, reading instructions become important in developing reading skills. Understanding the importance of reading instructions requires an analysis of the types of reading instructions relative to various diverse groups of learners, the evaluation of Common Core Standards Foundational Reading Skills relative to the kindergarten book, the Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt, and apply the Response To Intervention to the kindergarten setting. Discussion Types of Reading Instructions Relative to Diverse Groups There are various types of reading instructions that can be applied by teachers to a diverse group of learners. In this section, we shall review four types of reading instructions to various diverse groups of learners. They include the sustained silent reading, paired or partner reading, independ ...
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