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Socialisation identity 1

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Socialisation & Creation of Social Identity Ms Hiba Khan Ms. HIBA KHAN 1 Nature Vs. Nurture How is human behavior shaped? Ms. HIBA KHAN 2 The processes of learning and socialization: how the individual becomes a competent social actor Socialization • Socialization is a process that describes how we are taught the behavioral rules we need to become both a member of a particular society/culture and a competent social actor Nature/genetics/biology vs. Nurture/socialization/environment Is human behavior, and therefore social reality, determined by our biology (nature) or by how we are raised (nurtured?) The case for Nature: Human nature, human behavior and social reality is determined by biology • The field of genetics suggests that behavior may be guided by instincts based on biological imperatives (commands that cannot be ignored). Thus, genetics can be used to argue that at least part of how people behave, is determined by their biology i.e. by human nature. There are 2 different cases that can be made, using an appeal to nature: Ms. HIBA KHAN 3 1. Argument #1 for Nature: o People who make this argument maintain that biology is very strong and provide us with very strong instincts which are fixed. We are born knowing these things and we will have these instincts and traits no matter how we are raised. For example, it is argued that females have a ‘mothering instinct’ given to them by their biology i.e. by their nature. This is deep in their genetics. It ...
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