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Three Traits On A Character

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Surname1 Name Tutor Course Date Character Traits of Natasha in “Finding Baba Yaga” In the short novel“Finding Baba Yaga”, Jane Yolen follows the story of Natasha. Even though the short story is centeredon a fairy tale theme, which can often be unrealistic and hard to relate to, Yolen depicts Natasha as a very relatable character. Natasha is a young high School student who runs away from her abusive mother and father. As she makes her way into the woods, she discovers a more modern house setting which is built on chicken feet. This becomes her new home. As she embarks on this new journey, she experiences feelings of peace and changes her story from being a victim of abuse by her friends and family to her own heroin, through mentorship of Baba Yaga. In the Short novel, Yolen depicts Natasha’s character as self-aware, brave, and very hardworking. By end of the book, she is able to find her own voice. Traits Natasha is self-aware. During her apprentice period with Baba Yaga, Natasha stands out because she is in control of her destiny as she states that “nowhere becomes my destination”.(Yolen 18)”. She is aware that she does not belong at her parents’ home, hence she e ...
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