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Ddha 8800

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Health & Medical
Walden University
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DDHA 8800: Simulation of Telemedicine
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

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Simulation of Telemedicine
The growth in technology has prompted the increase in simulation in telemedicine,
enhancing the ability to deliver exceptional medical services. In health care, simulation serves
multiple purposes, such as developing the training techniques to strengthen the realization of the
core goals and objectives (Albright & Winston, 2017). In general, simulation in telemedicine and
healthcare increases the exposure of the clinical staff and other directly involved individuals and
teams into holistic and realistic clinical challenges that provide the actual environment and
subsequent medical services. Notably, telemedicine includes three main attributes: remote
monitoring, store and forwards, and real-time interactive services, which are imperative in
delivering healthcare services.
From Torabi et al. (2016), the authors describe various distributions that best fit the
probability density functions. Some of the distributions described in the article include the
Weibull, Gamma, triangular, and uniforms distribution commonly used in the simulation process
in telemedicine. The report described the sampled population using the simulation intended to
illustrate the effectiveness of using simulation modeling of a regional stroke team’s utilize of
telemedicine. The simulation shows that the model would help address the patients’ stroke issues
on time, promoting the ability to deliver exceptional services in telemedicine.
Weibull Distribution
The Weibull distribution entails the non-negative random variate that has a fixed
expected value. The Weibull models in simulation often describe various types of observed
failure in components and phenomena, enhancing the increasing use of the distribution in the

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1 DDHA 8800: Simulation of Telemedicine Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Date 2 Simulation of Telemedicine The growth in technology has prompted the increase in simulation in telemedicine, enhancing the ability to deliver exceptional medical services. In health care, simulation serves multiple purposes, such as developing the training techniques to strengthen the realization of the core goals and objectives (Albright & Winston, 2017). In general, simulation in telemedicine and healthcare increases the exposure of the clinical staff and other directly involved individuals and teams into holistic and realistic clinical challenges that provide the actual environment and subsequent medical services. Notably, telemedicine includes three main attributes: remote monitoring, store and forwards, and real-time interactive services, which are imperative in delivering healthcare services. Distributions From Torabi et al. (2016), the authors describe various distributions that best fit the probability density functions. Some of the distributions described in the article include the Weibull, Gamma, triangular, and uniforms distribution commonly used in the simulation process in telemedicine. The report described the sampled population using the simulation intended to illustrate the effectiveness of using simulation modeling of a regional stroke team’s utilize of telemedicine. The simulation shows that the model would help address the patients’ stroke issues on tim ...
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