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International Regulation

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    Mexico is open to all foreign direct investments in relatively most of its economic performing sectors. The government of Mexico led by President Enrique Pena Nieto passed a law to uniquely prioritize competitive structural reforms which are economic. Currently the country is looing to form trading pacts with the pacific countries (bureau of economic and business affairs, 2013). The 1993 law on foreign investment in the governing basic statute for foreign investments in Mexico.      The foreign investment law provides a nondiscriminatory treatment for all foreign direct and indirect investments. A foreign company in the pharmaceutical industry may have a 100% foreign ownership. The action plan for pharma heal corporation investment is to first address the following areas for it to be established in Mexico; Must have 50000 Mexican pesos as the minimum capital to begin operations, Minimum of two shareholders with no set maximum    The country of albania has developed a liberal foreign investment regime whose main goal is to increase on the levels of foreign direct investments. The legal framework on foreign investments outlines the following; There is no prior authorization by the government for any initial investment. Additionally, it states that no sector is restricted for the foreign investments. bureau of economic and business affairs.(2013)    The law also gallows one hundred percent foreign ownership. ...
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