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Manager Analysis

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Manager Analysis Institution Affiliation Instructor’s Name Student’s Name Course Code Date Tim Cook, the Apple highest ranking executive is one of the leading management team leaders in the corporate world. Apple Inc. success is partly linked to the innovation and leadership of Tim cook who has made small changes in the company’s organizational structure to suit the current global market and industry demands. Tim Cook holds the CEO position in Apple, as the leader of its management team, which has been tasked by the board with the responsibilities of running the company’s day to day activities. To continue with improving the corporation's competitive advantage and capabilities in the area of creative and rapid innovation and product design for the competitive products in the global international market, his hierarchical leadership has been very vital. Tim makes major vital management strategic decisions, but he collaborates with other experts in his management team that he was tasked with heading different divisional department in the organization to come with more clear and wholly agreed decisional conclusions that benefits everyone in the company (Chipulu, 2013). Tim cook Leads the company’s day to day management and promotes /advocates for swift strategies in realizing the organization's mission. Secondly, he Acts as the direct liaison officer between the board and the management and communicates to the board on behalf of the management team. This includes inte ...
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