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Philosophy Final Exam 1

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Running head: PHILOSOPHY FINAL EXAM Philosophy Final Exam Student’s Name University Affiliation PHILOSOPHY FINAL EXAM 2 Reasons Why Reductive Materialism Has Been Disapproved By Neuroscience, Why Many Theorists Today Favor Type-Token Identity, And the Differences between These Two Theories The philosophy of materialism is a claim about the reality rather than about material things. It is a belief that nothing has been made of immaterial entities like supernatural gods, spirits, or souls but rather made of energy and matter. Reductive materialism therefore also known Type-Type Identity is a theory that asserts that things taking place in the mind can be grouped in various types which can then be linked to the types of physical events taking place in the brain. According to this theory, events in the brain and mental events are type-identical. In this respect, a particular physical event occurring in an individual’s brain corresponds with a particular mental event. Therefore, physical processes that takes place in nervous system are related to mental activities such as motor control, perception, and complicated thoughts and behaviors. There is no doubt in arguing that it is the responsibility of neuroscience to enhance our understanding of these relationships. Type-Type Identity also known as reductive materialism is important because it facilitates an understanding of the relationships between physical events that takes place in the brain and the abovementioned mental ...
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