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Trends In Managed Care

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Running Head: TRENDS IN MANAGED CARE Trends in Managed Care Student Name Institutional Affiliation 1 2 TRENDS IN MANAGED CARE Trends in Managed Care a) Trends that you feel have a great impact on managed health care today The two trends that I greatly feel will impact managed health care today are efficient cost reduction and add of value. According to Milani and Lavie (2015), the trend of value-added healthcare is defined around the customer receiving an excellent functioning healthcare system, which ensures the top beneficiary is the healthcare customer. The reason it has a great impact is based on the results associated with the health of the client instead of inputs that are added to the healthcare service. Price reduction focuses on affordable health insurance and government policies that have allowed the poor to access health care services which are tailor to meet their need based on the value given. b) Effect these trends have on managed care The effects that come with the implementation of the cost reduction and value of healthcare include trust in the health care system, increase in the subscription of healthcare customers to health care services, and reduction of time taken to get access of healthcare. In the first place attaining trust in the healthcare system will ensure that people do not forgo the services offered as illustrated by Frank et al. (2017), which will ensure governments of various countries keep on investing in the sector since they can see the ...
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