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Income Inequality Discussion Response

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Micro Economics
Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District
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Income Inequality Discussion Response

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Income Inequality Discussion Response
My opinion on income inequality is that it was created, and it is pretty expensive even for
future generations. Tax cuts on high-income earners are one of the reasons that have accelerated
income inequality (Economic Policy Institute, 2013). It has reduced the number of resources that
would go to public institutions that offer services such as healthcare and education to the lower
socio-economic class to boost their lives. Various strategies could help in solving income
inequalities, including the introduction of tax reforms. This means that the capital gains tax rates
should be equal to income tax and payroll tax rates. Consequently, the wealthy would pay the
same tax rate as everyone else, providing more economic support for the poor.

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1 Income Inequality Discussion Response Name Institution Date 2 Income Inequality Discussion Response My opinion on income inequality is that it was created, and it is pretty expensive even for future generations. Tax cuts on high-income earners are one of the reasons that have accelerated income inequality (Economic Policy Institute, 2013). It has reduced the number of resources that would go to public institutions that offer services such as healthcare and education to the lower socio-economic class to boost their lives. Various strategies could help in solving income inequalities, including the introduction of tax reforms. This means that the capital gains tax rates should be equal to income tax and payroll tax rates. Consequently, the wealthy would pay the same tax rate as everyone else, providing more economic support for the poor. 3 References Economic Policy Institute. (2013 ...
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