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Mft 621 Rs T1lifescripttemplate

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Topic 1: Life Script Template Read the "Canyon Family Origins Case Study," and the Gardner article located in the Topic 1 materials and imagine that you are meeting the Canyon family for the first time in your office. Using the life script template below, complete a family script for the Canyon family. Please note this life script has been slightly altered for this assignment, as, in most instances, the parent and guardian will be completing this form from the first person perspective. When completing the template, be sure to focus on the following: 1. At least three important elements of the family of origin influences. 2. A hypothesis about how the family of origin impacts the current life-span stage. 3. The current family schema and how the challenges presented in the case study impact the family now. Life Script 1. Who was in the client’s immediate family growing up? Describe the people and the general environment. Client was being watched by her as well as her grandmother while growing after his father left them. Both the client's mother and the grandmother were caring because as they both worked to cater to the needs of the client and her siblings. They also watched over ...
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