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Lab Report Gravity Free Fall

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Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to study the linear motion of a freely falling body.
Background: Free fall of a body is defined as the downward movement of the body under the influence of
gravity. Galileo showed that all bodies, irrespective of their masses, are uniformly accelerated by the force of
Although, resistance due to air causes errors in calculations; yet this phenomenon could be observed
when experiments are conducted with relatively larger bodies of considerable density.
Theory: The experiment uses a modified Welch Acceleration Apparatus with spark timer ,having a carriage
between two poles. A waxed paper strip on a metal rod is used to measure displacement and then plot
‘Displacement Vs Time’ relation, when the falling carriage produces a series of high voltage pulses on it.
1. Modified Welch Accelerator Apparatus
2. Spark timer (operating at f=30 or 60 pps)
3. Roll or wax paper tape (2 inches in width)
4. C, and enter scale
5. Meter scale
1. When the apparatus is ready to use, pull the string attached to the latch and press the push button
connected to the spark timer firmly.
2. Release the push button after the carriage has hit the bottom; and slowly pull the string horizontally
outwards after the sparks have been heard.
3. Unlatch the rail and carefully mark the waxed tape at the level of the needle. The mark shows where the
carriage started to slow down.
4. Ignore the first large dot and last dot on the waxed paper.
5. Draw a small circle around the next dot and continue till the point where carriage began decelerate.
6. Record data on a data sheet. Calculate t.
7. Measure distances (s) on the waxed paper using the centimetre scale and calculate s values (by
subtracting successive values).
8. Calculate average velocity for each case and then calculate values of v by subtracting successive
values of v.
9. Then, calculate values of linear acceleration for each interval & compare to the accepted value (980
) and calculate the percentage error in the observed values of acceleration.
10. Plot a curve with velocity on vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis.
Formulae used:
Interval Time
ent Displacemin Change
2. a= v/t

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GRAVITY: FREE FALL Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to study the linear motion of a freely falling body. Background: Free fall of a body is defined as the downward movement of the body under the influence of gravity. Galileo showed that all bodies, irrespective of their masses, are uniformly accelerated by the force of gravity. Although, resistance due to air causes errors in calculations; yet this phenomenon could be observed when experiments are conducted with relatively larger bodies of considerable density. Theory: The experiment uses a modified Welch Acceleration Apparatus with ...
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