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C289 It Laws That Affect Our Lives

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Running head: IT LAWS THAT AFFECT OUR LIVES IT laws that affect our lives Institution Affiliation Date 1 IT LAWS THAT AFFECT OUR LIVES 2 The increased use of information technology has led to the need for regulation in its use with the broader goal being to prevent abuse and crime. To this end, information technology law also known as cyberlaw has been developed to police the sharing of information or software through IT infrastructure like the internet. Discussed below are five IT laws and how they affect our lives in the 21st Century. The Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) regulates the information-sharing capacity between technology companies and the US government on matters that relate threats and other purposes (Center for Internet Security, 2016). This law is an important one because it ensures that companies are able to cooperate with the government and thus are protected from malicious attacks that could result in massive losses. Given that corporations account for almost 70% of the revenues that the government depends on to provide basic public services, I feel that this law is important for the citizenry as a whole. The Privacy Act of 1974 ensures that Fed ...
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