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1542281138457 Dietary Intake Assessment

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Running head: DIETARY INTAKE ASSESSMENT Dietary Intake Assessment Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 DIETARY INTAKE ASSESSMENT 2 Dietary intake assessment Dietary intake is the daily eating patterns of individuals including their specific foods and calories they consume and their relative intake. Taking the right quantity of nutrients is vital for a healthy body since intake of too much food might cause health conditions such as obesity and gaining too much weight. Nutrient intake varies among people depending on their age, height and weight. My dietary intake is not in line with the food nutrition requirements in my body. In most cases, like it is common with most individuals, I rarely take into account what I am consuming on daily basis to ascertain that I take all the nutritional requirements. Some of the things I discovered about my diet are that I take more carbohydrates as compared to any other foods. For instance, in every meal that I consume, I consume wheat products, rice of maize meals. Their quantity as compared to the proportion of vegetables, fruits and meat is relatively high. In proteins intake, I consume beef or chicken by the end of the day and still take milk drinks at 8.00 am, 11.00 am and 4.00 pm. By the end of the day, I have taken quite a large amount of proteins. For vitamins, I consume a fruit at least once in a day. For vegetables, I rarely consume them since they are not my favourite which reduces the number to times I consume them ...
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