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FIN 571 week 6 knowledge check quiz 100% score

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1. Planning models that are more sophiscated than the percent of sales method have
2. Firms that achieve higher growth rates without seeking external nancing
3. Triumph Company has total assets worth $6,413,228. Next year it expects a net income of
$3,145,778 and will pay out 70 percent as dividends. If the rm wants to limit its external
nancing to $1 million, what is the growth rate it can support?

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1. Planning models that are more sophisticated than the percent of sales method have 2. Firms that achieve higher growth rates without seeking external financing 3. Triumph Company has total assets worth $6,413,228. Next year it expects a net income of $3,145,778 and will pay out 70 percent as dividends. If the firm wants to limit its external financing to $1 million, what is the growth rate it can support? 1. Planning models that are more sophisticated than the percent of sales method have All of these are true 2. Firms that achieve higher growth rates without seeking external financing All ...
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