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Respiratory System

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Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
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Respiratory System
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By definition, the respiratory system is a network of body tissues and organs that help
breathe (Ionescu, 2013). The respiratory system includes lungs, blood vessels and the airway.
Muscles powering the lung also make up the respiratory system which circulates oxygen
throughout the body and removes carbon dioxide. All organs play a particular role in achieving
the end goal. This report will cover the following; primary functions of the respiratory system,
part of mucus and cilia, structure and part of the respiratory membrane and distinct events that
are collectively termed respiratory.
The respiratory system functions as the core of human life since the human body work
only through breathing. The respiratory system is responsible for breathing. Besides breathing,
the respiratory function also provides oxygen to the cells in the body, guards the airways against
harmful substances, enables one to smell and talk, among others.
What are the primary functions of the respiratory system?
Gas exchange- The respiratory gases, oxygen, and carbon dioxide, are exchanged through
the body tissues in the respiratory system (Ionescu, 2013).
Breathing refers to the movement of air in and out of the lungs.
Another function of the respiratory system is protection. Organs in the respiratory system
prevent the body from the entry of dust and microbes.
The sense of smell known as olfactory assistance is possible through the nose.
Explain the roles of mucus and cilia in the respiratory system
During inhalation, it is possible to take in dust particles, viruses, and bacteria. The mucus
is a fluid that prevents the entry of such particles into the lungs. The viruses and bacteria may

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1 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Respiratory System Name: Institution: Course Code: Instructor: Date: 2 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Introduction By definition, the respiratory system is a network of body tissues and organs that help breathe (Ionescu, 2013). The respiratory system includes lungs, blood vessels and the airway. Muscles powering the lung also make up the respiratory system which circulates oxygen throughout the body and removes carbon dioxide. All organs play a particular role in achieving the end goal. This report will cover the following; primary functions of the respiratory system, part of mucus and cilia, structure and part of the respiratory membrane and distinct events that are collectively termed respiratory. The respiratory system functions as the core of human life since the human body work only through breathing. The respiratory system is responsible for breathing. Besides breathing, the respiratory function also provides oxygen to the cells in the body, guards the airways against harmful substances, enables one to smell and talk, among others. What are the primary functions of the respiratory system? ✓ Gas exchange- The respiratory gases, oxygen, and carbon dioxide, are exchanged through the body tissues in the respiratory system (Ionescu, 2013). ✓ Breathing refers to the movement of air in and out of the lungs. ✓ Another function of the respiratory system is protection. Organs in the respiratory system prevent the body from the entry of dust and microbes. ? ...
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