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1. How can technology be used most effectively in the various fields of specialization to support
and assess student learning?
To support and assess student learning by the use of a certain technology, it will help the
students to produce an output easily. Technology will help them to learn more knowledge
by searching, viewing and creating an articles or blog that may people give a feedback to
support their output. And also they can easily reach each other to communicate on what
was the task that their want to do.
2. How will I apply all the knowledge and skills that I learned in TTL2 in teaching my field of
I will apply my knowledge and skills in my field of specialization by implementing the use
of technology in teaching and also for learning. I will empower the technology as a tools
that may help to improve my techniques and strategies to catch up the students. Most of
the students are more efficient in terms of technology, so I will use it in Learning.
3. How will I develop learning plans for my classes to make sure that available technologies for
teaching and learning will be put to use for meaningful learning?
I will use the power of technology to improve and develop my learning plans. Like for
example, I will use the available technology for having a fun for learning, such as short
film viewing and some digital games that the students will gain an information and clues
about the topics that we’re tackle at that day. In creating a lesson plan, given technology
will helps me to improve and organized my aims and objectives.
4. How will I ensure that my goals in this course will be achieved?
To ensure my goals in this course will be achieved is to apply all the learnings that I gain
or gathered in this course, that’s why it will helps me to improve and develop my skills in
terms of technology in teaching and learning, so that in the future I am not new in this
kind of advance teaching or strategies in teaching.

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ICO, BRYAN M. BSE FILIPINO 3B TTL2 1. How can technology be used most effectively in the various fields of specialization to support and assess student learning? ➢ To support and assess student learning by the use of a certain technology, it will help the students to produce an output easily. Technology will help them to learn more knowledge by searching, viewing and creating an articles or blog that may people give a feedback to support their output. And also they can easily reach each other to communicate on what was the task that their want to do. 2. How will I apply all the knowledge an ...
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