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Running head: FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course 1 FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) 2 Definitions The 1938 act FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act), is a labor law in the US that develops the right to a time and a half overtime pay and a minimum wage when employees work for forty hours and over in a week (Rosenberg, 2018). The FLSA restricts oppression and employment of underage children- employment of minors. Also, FLSA is involved with interstate business activities or in the production of commercial goods or employed an organization participating in commerce except if the employer can request formally for the coverage exemption. FLSA is commonly known as the law that regulates the non-exempt and exempt jobs status and overtime necessities. It covers overtime pay, minimum wage, youth employment, record keeping and hours worked standard for employees working in State, Federal or Local governments and in the private sector. The act is managed by the DOL (Department of Labor) - Wage and Hour Division. Non-exempt Vs. exempt Employees Under FLSA act, employees are categorized into: non-exempt and exempt. No ...
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