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Neoliberalism 1

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Running head: NEOLIBERALISM 1 Neoliberalism Institution Affiliation Instructor’s Name Student’s Name Course Code Date NEOLIBERALISM 2 Neoliberalism Question 1: Paul Bremer’s Legislation Neoliberalism is a policy model that focused on transferring government resources, business and activities into the private sector. The control and management of economic activities are entirely given to the private sector. This model takes the principle of neoclassic economics suggesting that government must reduce or manage the subsidies, control tax policies and reduce the deficit spending. According to Paul Bremer’s legislation of the Iraqi State, the law focuses on modern imperialism. Some of the suggestions highlighted and recommendation given does not provide an opportunity for the locals to take charge of their resources. At the same time, the United State is focusing on taking full control of the Oil rich country and influence some of the economic activities. The legislation focused after Militarization where the U.S troops took over the Iraqi nation after the defeat of the terrorist group. But under the United Nations or The Hague statutes, the decrees issued did not meet the set standards and requirements; they were against the International policies governing independent countries. Some of the components or decrees issued by the legislation include privatization of all economic activities except the oil operation — secondly, No barriers to foreign investment, where ...
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