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PRE ECLAMPSIA is a condition where pregnancy women has high blood and also high amount of proteins in the urine after or in 20th week of pregnancy i.e., late 2nd or 3rd trimester. Pre-eclampsia is also known as pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), Toxaemia, Metabolic toxaemia of late pregnancy and pre eclamptic toxaemia (PET). Etiology: The exact cause of this condition is not known but the possible causes are blood vessel problems, auto immune disorders and diet or genes also. Risk factors: Some of the important risk factors for pre eclampsia are pregnancy, obesity, age more than 35 years, multiple pregnancy i.e., twins or more, history of diabetes and hypertension or kidney disease. Signs and symptoms: Women diagnosed with pre eclampsia do not feel sick all the time. But some of the signs and symptoms include: ✓ Swelling of face, eyes and hands or legs ✓ Weight gain or sudden weig ...
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