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IT Employment

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Table of Contents 1. Information Technology Employment We use the term information technology or IT refers to an entire industry. In actuality, information technology is the use of computers and software to manage information. In some companies, this is referred to as Management Information Services (or MIS) or simply as Information Services (or IS). Information technology professionals are responsible for designing, developing, supporting and managing computer hardware, computer software, and information networks, including the Internet. The real world applications of information technologies can be found everywhere. Demand for IT skills is red hot -- companies need all the tech talent they can find to carry forward strategies based on ciphering Big Data, and achieving the nimbleness required to quickly build or disassemble business lines to meet ever-shifting market demands. 2. Several IT Jobs Various jobs in Information technology encompass a wide variety of specialties, and there are several job titles that sound similar to each other. Below is short listing of different IT jobs in the industry. 2.1 Computer Information Systems Manager Computer and information systems managers supervise the programming, support, and analyst departments of an organization. They work in the planning and developing process of all implemental phases of computer activities. This includes installing software and hardware, design programming, networking, and Internet maintenance. Pr ...
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