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Memo Staff Training Budget

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Health & Medical
Northcentral University
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Running head: MEMORANDUM Memorandum: Justifications of Staff-Training Budget Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Instructor Date of Submission MEMORANDUM 1 Memorandum To: Healthcare Manger CC: All Senior Managers From: Healthcare Manager Date: 25/10/2017 Subject: Justifications of Staff-Training Budget The demography of the patients in our hospital is changing at a higher rate. Many patients are being presented with chronic illness at advanced stages due to lack of early intervention. The increased reliance by the hospital on external specialists to handle many cases has been exacerbated by lack of regular training of the organization's healthcare professionals. This memo addresses the issue of training for healthcare professionals in the hospital. In the memo, it is contended that health care professionals should receive regular hourly of weekly training before they are released to offer unsupervised patient care. Undeniably, one of the major obstacles faced by organizations in training the health care professionals is the uncertainty whether the investment is worthwhile especially when the organization is operating on thin margins. The healthcare staff training budget must fit within the organization’s existing practice of the shortterm budget (Green, 2017). However, it can simply be assumed that the budgetary allocation in the staff training is a regulatory standard which must be fulfilled. In the present case, investment in the healthcare staff training is ...
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