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Folios Final

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Running head: FOLIOS 1 Folios Author Institution FOLIOS 2 Folio 1 Mind-Body Problem One of the most important and critical aspect of academic studies is science of brain and several experts have used different approaches trying to provide an explanation on its relationship with our everyday actions. The relationship between the human body and mind has been a topic of interests in the field of philosophy for a very longtime. One of the main concerns, which experts have tried to answer, is whether our brain is part of the body or is it the other way round. Based on the provided video however, there are some ways through which this can be expounded. According to Rene Descartes perception, there is chance of dualism in the brain and body. This idea is entirely based on the view that the brain and the body exist as two distinct element which work together to satisfy our experience and actions. He argues that the brain and body possess more than one trait, which allows them to carry out their functions properly. In the explanation, Descartes indicates that both our mind and body are two less similar elements, which have different purposes in the human life. According to his research, although the brain did not possess physical elements, it is more superior in relaying information and controlling human actions. The psyche has features, which does not have a form, mass, or shade that makes is a nonphysical material. In his research, Descartes also opposes the argument that the ...
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