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Running head: WEEK 6 ASSIGNMENT 2 1 Week 6 Assignment 2 Student Full Name Strayer University BUS499 Business Administration Capstone Dr. Brian Grizzell Date WEEK 6 ASSIGMENT 2 2 Week 6 Assignment 2 For the growth and sustainability of any business in the market, it is essential to carry out SWOT analysis while identifying the most significant forces of competition affecting the business. This paper examines the general environment and the most significant force of competition critical to the sustainability of Microsoft Company at the peak of the manufacturing and sale of computer software and hardware components. Significantly, this paper determines the strengths and opportunities for the Microsoft Company as well as the greatest threats and weaknesses for the company. General Environment The most critical external environments affecting the productivity, success, and growth of Microsoft Corporation are the economic and technological environments. Notably, in many countries across the globe, the rate of unemployment is very high (Walker, 2014). Therefore, income among many people is low. Low income decreases the consumer's purchasing power and thus the need for the company to become more innovative to produce improved and affordable products. Microsoft operates in a technology environment that is too dynamic. Notably, Microsoft depends on its technology services and products. Therefore, the company must meet the technological demands of the consumers. Five Forces of Com ...
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