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Recommender System.edited

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The system highlighted below uses metadata to suggest movies for a user based on their history of rating movies. To build this system we will answer these three questions: what metrics are we to rate the movies on? What is the average score for the rated movies? How do we sort the movies in regard to the score? Load the following dataset into your compiler. In this case, we are going to use the users rating as the primary source of data to come up with the recommendations. Although, this system has a challenge as the movie’s popularity is not taken into account. As a result, it is easy to rate a movie with fewer voters with a higher rating above that with many voters but with a lower rating. Fewer people rating a movie gives a rather skewed reflection of the movie and not the actual one. Thus, the more the number of voters the more accurate the feedback will be. Bearing such in mind, it is imperative to develop a weighted rating that considers not only the rating but also the number of voters. The following mathematical formula will be used to calculate the weighted rating: Weighted Rating (WR) = $(\frac{v}{v + m} . R) + (\frac{m}{v + m} . C)$ where, • v - the number of votes; • m is the minimum votes required to be listed in the chart; • R is the average rating of the movie; And • C is the mean vote across the whole report Having been provided with the value of v (vote_count) and R (vote_average), the system will be prompted to calculate the value of C. ...
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