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Mountain Man Brewing Company

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Name: 1 Name: Institution Affiliation: Date: Mountain Man Brewing Central problem The company experienced an annual drop in their sales by two percent. This is as a result of a change in beer preference in the market. According to the research, the region experienced an increase in the consumption of light beer leading to a consistency increase by four percent. Increase in sale of the light beer and change the preferences in the market contributed to a significant drop in their annual revenue. Additionally, the company experienced a hard time with the sale of premium beer as most people consumed the light beer. Finally, the company faced stiff competition in the market from other companies and other brands in the market. Environmental Scan The performance of the Mountain Man Brewing Company depends on some factors. These factors play an important role to determine of the decision to take and the choices to forego. The organization should always put into consideration about these factors so as to maintain its competitiveness in the market and manage the situations at hand. Among the factors that the MMBC should consider in the decision making include the following. Demographics The major consumers of the MMBC are men consuming up to about three-quarters of their total sales. Additionally, the main consumers of the products are the people in the age bracket of 45 to 50 years. Most of the consumers make between twenty-five thousands and seventy-five thousand dollars as an annua ...
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