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Confidence Interval Lab Work in Excel

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Excel formulas(
For Sum;
<=#>?/;?/ 9 2!/;!/ 9 2@/00/@A<=#>B?B/;B?B/ 9 2B!B/;B!B/ 9 29
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C-+<=#>?/;?/ 9 2!/;!/ 9 2@/0 @A<=#>B?B/;B?B/ 9 2B!B/;B!B/ 9 2D9
For Count;
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For Mean :
A<E,F..<=#>?/;?/ 9 2!/;!/ 9 2@/00/@G!A<E#>B!B/;B!B/ 9 2@/00/@26
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For Stddev.s:
$,.F?/;?/ 27$H+%$&I&%,%
Q. accurately interpret the meaning of the condence intervals.
Condence Interval :
M 3!"CG 00
Q. Accurately determine condence intervals for the population
mean using scores from each year.
Calculang C.I For Each Separate Years(
C.I for Year 2002 :
!"#MR91S NOG/90/) G5/ 0T
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MR9)1/112S0/10 T
C.I for Year 2003:
!"#MR91U)NOG/9 )7)G5/ )T
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MR9101 U2S07S)6T

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Please provide GRAPHS ( excel? ) if possible. Thanks a lot! 1. Confidence Interval using the mean scores for each year - ( 8 sentences?) - Accurately determine confidence intervals for the population mean using scores from each year. - Determine and state clearly whether each confidence interval contains the population mean. Explain why or why not. - Accurately interpret the meaning of the confidence intervals. 2. Hypothesis Test comparing 2009 mean test score to population mean test score - ( 8 sentences?) - State the null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, and identify the claim being tested. - State the test being used and significance level alpha. - Determine the test statistic and p-value or critical value. - State whether the null hypothesis was rejected or not and explain why. - Explain the results of the test as it pertains to the claim being tested in the context of the project question. 3. Hypothesis Test comparing mean scores of males and females - ( 8 sentences?) - State the null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, and identify the claim being tested. - State the test being used and significance level alpha. - Determine the test statistic and p-value or critical value. - State whether the null hypothesis was rejected or not and explain why. - Explain the results of the test as it pertains to the claim being tested in the context of the project question. 4. Hypothesis Test comparing mean scores of Whites and Hispanics - ( 8 sentences?) - State the null hypothesis ...
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