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Factors Affecting Juvenile Delinquency
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Factors Affecting Juvenile Delinquency
Study motivation
Juvenile delinquency is multifactorial issues with multiple leveled risk factors which may
include social and micro-environmental factors. Despite the numerous efforts put in place to
deal with the issue, juvenile delinquency has become a complex social issue among communities
despite. Nations are grappling with juvenile delinquency and so do families as prevalence rates
continue to rise. Juvenile delinquency has intensified and broadened affecting the social fabric in
various dimensions. It has been a problem to parents and society in general to understand why
some children would steal, paly truant or set fires and not others. Various theories have been
advanced to explain why children engage in delinquent behaviors. Such may include
psychological theories, social disorganization anomie, lower class based theories of delinquency
among others (Alnasir, & Al-Falaij, 2016). However there is more need for information that can
help not just parents but also the officers of the juvenile courts, children welfare associations and
children educational bodies to understand better ways of dealing with issues of juvenile
delinquency. This study therefore investigates the causal factors for juvenile delinquency to give
resourceful information to the stakeholders in these issues so that better decision-making can be
made toward addressing the children delinquency behaviors.
Definition of juvenile delinquency
According to Rathinabalan and Naaraayan (2017), juvenile delinquency refers to thoughts that
arise out of a child’s sociopersonal dysregulation. As such, based on sociological theory, the
child’s environment, and social structures as well as learning process influences the child’s
delinquent behaviors. Similarly, Alnasir, & Al-Falaij, (2016) defines delinquency as an

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Running Head: FACTORS AFFECTING JUVENILE DELINQUENCY Factors Affecting Juvenile Delinquency Name Institution Course title Instructor Date 1 FACTORS AFFECTING JUVENILE DELINQUENCY 2 Factors Affecting Juvenile Delinquency Study motivation Juvenile delinquency is multifactorial issues with multiple leveled risk factors which may include social and micro-environmental factors. Despite the numerous efforts put in place to deal with the issue, juvenile delinquency has become a complex social issue among communities despite. Nations are grappling with juvenile delinquency and so do families as prevalence rates continue to rise. Juvenile delinquency has intensified and broadened affecting the social fabric in various dimensions. It has been a problem to parents and society in general to understand why some children would steal, paly truant or set fires and not others. Various theories have been advanced to explain why children engage in delinquent behaviors. Such may include psychological theories, social disorganization anomie, lower class based theories of delinquency among others (Alnasir, & Al-Falaij, 2016). However there is more need for information that can help not just parents but also the officers of the juvenile courts, children welfare associations and children educational bodies to understand better ways of dealing with issues of juvenile delinquency. This study therefore investigates the causal factors for juvenile delinquency to give resourceful information to the ...
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