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Risk Management Plan

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Running Head: RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN 1 Project Part 1 Task 1: Risk Management Plan Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN 2 Introduction Risk management is an essential factor in every organization in as far as fostering its mission and achieving future objectives is concerned. Risk management helps a company identify the type of risks that it can take and still achieve its set goals and at the same time what risks they can control and mitigate so that they cannot hinder then achieving their goals. Health Network, Inc. (Health Network) is a healthcare services organization headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The organization provides three major products to its customers which are HNetConnect, HNetPay, and HNetExchange services. All these products are shared via the internet and hence the organization is simply a technology-based organization. Based on a previous review on the existing risk management plan, several threats were obtained including loss of company’s and customer’s data, internet threats, insider threats, and even threats on compliance from the changes I regulatory bodies among other threats. This draft paper is, therefore, going to come up with a risk management plan that will help mitigate the identified threats. It will also come up with the roles and responsibilities of the various departments in enforcing the plan as well as compliance regulations and laws. This way it will help the Health Network achieve its set ...
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