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Protecting Freedom Of Expression On The Campus

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Surname 1 Name of the student: Professor: Course: Date: Protecting freedom of expression on the campus Introduction Freedom of expression is a right and should always be respected and used appropriately. The first amendment is controversial because it gives people the permission and the right to feel, say or act how they feel it. This tends to be same case in Harvard when a student hang and confederate flag for public view(Derek 51). Another student followed suit by displaying swastika for everybody to see. This is seen as an insensitive way of handling the situation since there are different races and cultural origins that might feel offended by such acts. Sometimes, it might appear racist such as using the controversial confederate his expression author Derek Bok tried to strike a balance on his expression between practicing the right of first amendment whereas preaching on being sensitive while practicing their freedom. Summary of the text The author Derek Bok is able to express his mind concerning the free speech and trying not to be insensitive while doing so. As a former president of Harvard university he is able to describe a situation that he noticed when students were practicing their freedom of speech. As the author describes, two students had hung a confederate flag in the process of expressing their freedom of speech. Some of the students were against the hanging of the flags thus demonstrated on their removal. According to the two students , to them they ...
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