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Havard university
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For this discussion, first, read chapter 7 in your textbook, Transcultural Concepts in
Nursing Care.
Use the Critical Thinking Activity #5 on page 234 in your textbook to respond to the
following questions:
1. Explain the difference between gang membership in El Salvador and the United
2. What are the cultural factors that are important to consider when you are
planning nursing care for a patient like Jose?
3. For an example, how do you view body tattoos?
4. What are the issues related to political asylum, immigration, and the like?
5. How would you assist Jose to meet his developmental needs?
6. What might be the problems he will encounter in the U.S. society?
7. What might be the problems he will encounter in the U.S. healthcare system?
Initial Post: Minimum of two (2) total references: one (1) from required
course materials and one (1) from peer-reviewed references.
Critical Thinking Activities
1. Interview a middle-aged colleague, a client, or a person from another cultural group.
Ask about adult roles within the family and how they are depicted. How are these role
descriptions typical of traditional roles that are described in the literature? If not, how are
they different? What are some of the reasons why they have changed?
2. Interview a middle-aged client from another cultural group. Ask about the client’s
experiences within the health care system. What were the differences the client noted in
health beliefs and practices? Ask the client about his or her health needs during middle age.
3. Using the Andrews/Boyle Transcultural Nursing Guide for Individuals and Families
provided in Appendix A, conduct a cultural assessment of a middle-aged client of another
cultural group. Critically analyze how the client’s culture affects the client’s role within
the family and the timing of developmental transitions. How might the assessment data
differ if the client were older? Younger?
4. Review the literature on Mexican American culture. Describe the traditional Mexican
American family. What are the cultural characteristics of Mexican Americans to consider
in assessing the developmental transitions of adulthood in this group?
5. You are assigned a new patient, a 24-year-old man, from El Salvador named Jose
Calderon. At morning report, you learn that he has been a gang member in El Salvador,
and because he wanted to stop all gang-related activities, his life was threatened. He fled
to the United States and has been granted political asylum. You are told that he has
extensive tattoos on his body. What do you know about gang membership in Central
America? In the United States? How does membership in a gang address the needs of
adolescents? What are the cultural factors that are important to consider when you are
planning nursing care for a patient like Jose? For example, how do you view body tattoos?

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Overview For this discussion, first, read chapter 7 in your textbook, Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care. Use the Critical Thinking Activity #5 on page 234 in your textbook to respond to the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Explain the difference between gang membership in El Salvador and the United States. What are the cultural factors that are important to consider when you are planning nursing care for a patient like Jose? For an example, how do you view body tattoos? What are the issues related to political asylum, immigration, and the like? How would you assist Jose to meet ...
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