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Business Ethics 11

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Running head: BUSINESS ETHICS 1 Business Ethics Name Institution Course Date BUSINESS ETHICS 2 Are Drug Companies That Test Experimental Drugs In Foreign Countries Acting Ethically? Testing experimental drugs overseas has raised concerns on whether these operations adhere to the western medical ethical issues in underdeveloped countries or among the populations living below the poverty level (Allen 2010). This has emerged regarding the fact that most of the medical organizations are undertaking uninformed consent due to the fact that patients in need desperately accept any deal considering that they have a lot of trust in medical personnel. Another ethical issue that has emerged from this process is that many international medical firms rarely conduct reliable data in underdeveloped countries such seeking information on whether the patients take the pills, follow instructions as prescribed or whether they develop other diseases after taking experimental drugs. Another issue of concern is whether successful testing experimental drugs in underdeveloped countries give such organizations an obligation to continue selling their drugs in those countries regarding the fact that majority of the population cannot afford the prices of such drugs. This emerges to be unethical in case an organization conducts its successful drug experimental tests and later shifts its attention to other nations simply because the citizens of poor countries cannot afford the costs of such drugs (Su ...
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