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Emm 485 literaturereview

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COOP Planning Essay-
Literature Review
Assignment Directions: First, access and view the “Literature Review” section of the “Essay
Writing for Emergency Management” media piece. Next, it is time to begin researching your
topic for the final COOP Plan assignment due in Topic 8.
Use the required sections of your COOP Plan to inform your research:
Scope & Applicability
Essential Teams & Personnel
Time Phased Implementation Chart
Maintenance of Plan
You will need to provide research to support your claims in your COOP Plan. This worksheet
will help you do this. Your instructor will provide feedback on your selected research.
Visit the GCU Library to find seven scholarly sources to cite in your final COOP Plan. Once you
have your research articles from the GCU Library, answer the prompts below to conduct your
literature review:
Fill out the requested information in the table below about your sources:
Article 1:
Title and Author(s): Developing a Continuity of Operations Plan. Fansler, Craig & Daugman,
Permalink (GCU Library permanent link):
Write a 50-word response explaining how this source is relevant to the topic of your plan.
The source is relevant because it will help me understand continuity of operations plans
(COOPs). This particular article covers COOPs for pandemics and other disasters. The article

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also covers resources used by FEMA and the CDC which are relevant when developing a
Write the APA 6th Edition reference citation-
Fansler, C., & Daugman, E. (2013). Developing a Continuity of Operations Plan. North
Carolina Libraries (Online), 71(2), 1726.
Write the APA 6
Edition in-text citation example:
(Fansler & Daugman, 2013)
Article 2:
Title and Author(s): Mass-Fatality Incident Preparedness Among Faith-Based Organizations.
Zhi, Q., Merrill, J. A., & Gershon, R. R
Permalink (GCU Library permanent link):
Write a 50-word response explaining how this source is relevant to the topic of your plan.
This article is relevant because it talks about how faith is involved in incident preparedness. As
Christians we use our faith and beliefs in our every day lives when making ethical decisions.
This article will help me better understand on how to be better prepared when dealing with
other faith-based organizations and how they function.
Write the APA 6th Edition reference citation- Zhi, Q., Merrill, J. A., & Gershon, R. R. (2017).
Mass-Fatality Incident Preparedness Among Faith-Based Organizations. Prehospital and
Disaster Medicine, 32(6), 596603. https://doi-
Write the APA 6
Edition in-text citation example: (Zhi, et. al, 2017)
Article 3:
Title and Author(s): Are You Ready? Edmunds Jr., J. R. H.
Permalink (GCU Library permanent link):
Write a 50-word response explaining how this source is relevant to the topic of your plan.
This article discusses different aspects of continuity of operations plans. As an emergency
manager, we have to be able to develop a COOP and assist businesses in developing COOPs

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EMM-485 COOP Planning EssayLiterature Review Assignment Directions: First, access and view the “Literature Review” section of the “Essay Writing for Emergency Management” media piece. Next, it is time to begin researching your topic for the final COOP Plan assignment due in Topic 8. Use the required sections of your COOP Plan to inform your research: • • • • • • • Scope & Applicability Essential Teams & Personnel Time Phased Implementation Chart Testing Training Exercises Maintenance of Plan You will need to provide research to support your claims in your COOP Plan. This worksheet will help you do this. Your instructor will provide feedback on your selected research. Visit the GCU Library to find seven scholarly sources to cite in your final COOP Plan. Once you have your research articles from the GCU Library, answer the prompts below to conduct your literature review: Fill out the requested information in the table below about your sources: Article 1: Title and Author(s): Developing a Continuity of Operations Plan. Fansler, Craig & Daugman, Ellen Permalink (GCU Library permanent link): ofs&AN=95738753&site=edslive&scope=site&custid=s8333196&groupid=main&profile=eds1 Write a 50-word response explaining how this source is relevant to the topic of your plan. The source is relevant because it will help me understand continuity of operations plans (COOPs). This par ...
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