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Pathophysiology of hypertension

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PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF HYPERTENSION The amount ofl íquidos in the blood determines the volume sanguíneo, which is controlled by ingestãoand loss; - loss may be passive or regulated by the kidneys; BLOOD PRESSURE = CARDIAC OUTPUT X PERIPHERAL RESISTANCE You need to havea reductionin flow/speed to have a change between plasma sanguíneoandspace → the press is decreasing where there is change in the capillary! - Disbito cardíaco = FrequencyCardíaca X Volume sistólico; Frequencycard íaca approximate 72 bt/min; Volumesist olico → amount of blood that comes out each → approximately 70 ml; Theinnervation ofthe hearttomovea lot in HR → andparasympathetic fibers in the vagus nerve; - fiber=increases HR; - Resistência perifisrich:diâmeter of the vesselx viscosidade of the blood; isexercisedby the vessel in ometothe passage of blood; Vasodilatação = decreases resistanceperifisr ...
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