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V420 Modern Management

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Running head: MODERN MANAGEMENT 1 Modern Management Institution Affiliation Date MODERN MANAGEMENT 2 Patrick Struebi is a social entrepreneur with the belief that an entrepreneur should not venture into an idea of self-interest but a plan that creates a win-win situation in the market. Patrick Insists that it is essential to consider the world from different perspectives during the day to day ventures and when making investment decisions by considering what benefits the society more, rather than what benefits us more. He asserts that thinking about the world first before self-interests is what makes an entrepreneur to win the favor of the market. One finally responds with a preference for the services or products being offered thereby fulfilling the win-win ideology. Modern management is the new way of thinking that gives a direct relationship between man and machine due to the profound uses of devices in management and business operations unlike in the past. In the study, the concept of increasing the accuracy of the management theory is an excellent illustration of modern management (Pirson, 2017). It illustrates the benefits that dignity can bring during management which i ...
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