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Data Leakage

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Data leaking is an event where confidential data is disclosed to the general public. It is a severe problem
faced by many companies, especially when personal information is involved. Accidental leakage of data
by employees is a severe offense and problem to be faced by the company. Many factors increase the
risk of data leakage by employees and many ways that this has happened. The factors are analyzed, and
problems are determined. In addition, security measures applied by companies are also observed, both
in companies that have had an occurrence with data leakage and those that have not.
According to the Coca-Cola Company interviewed by CNN in 2014, the beverage formula is kept secret,
where the company has claimed that only two senior executives know the recipe. Talamantes (n.d.), a
prevention expert, stated a higher risk of data leakage when more employees have access to the data.
Having only a small group of employees accessing important data decreases the risk of leakage.
Moreover, employee negligence has stirred the City of Calgary, where the city was sued in 2017 for
privacy breaching due to an attacker pretending to be a famous CEO who tricked an employee to email
the personal information of the municipality workers. The negligence can be prevented by having
double security, in which sharing of personal data is not doable over emails. Also, limiting employees
who have access to the data and not disclosing their identity to the company is an effective way to
prevent accidental data leakage.
Kottasova, I. (2014). Does formula mystery help keep Coke afloat?. Retrieved from
Talamantes, J. (n.d). Danger In Your Ranks: 7 Times Employees Caused Damaging Data Breaches.
Retrieved from

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Data leaking is an event where confidential data is disclosed to the general public. It is a severe problem faced by many companies, especially when personal information is involved. Accidental leakage of data by employees is a severe offense and problem to be faced by the company. Many factors incr ...
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