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Battle Of Passchendaele.edited 2

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1 Battle of Passchendaele Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Number Date of Submission 2 Battle of Passchendaele The battle in Ypres planned by the British was to reduce the pressure on French Forces already in the area1. The intentions were to pump in greater capacities to defeated German troops and deter their influence. Australia and New Zealand Forces (ANZAC) summoned to the area before Canadian troops also failed due to unfavourable climatic/weather condition. Therefore, Canada, being an ally of British and the Allied forces was called upon to contribute to the war efforts. The then Canadian Commander, Lieutenant-General Arthur Currie tried to prevent the deployment of his soldier into the area after discovering the unfavourable terrain and war conditions. However, his quest was overruled by his superior, Canadian troops were commissioned for the third battle of Ypres to capture the village of Passchendaele. Despite facing numerous challenges like little time for preparation, devastations on the unfavourable environmental conditions and fierce counterattacks, Canadians won by capturing the village of Passchendaele2. This paper will discuss the degree of organization and evaluate the worthiness of the attack based on the war results. After the command to deploy his men, Arthur Currie began careful preparations for the Canadian troop's attack. Currie started by sending engineers to help in the contraction and repair of roads. In the Canadian areas of deployment ...
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