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Econ418 critical essay 4

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ECON418 Critical Essay #4 Understanding the Gender Gap The gender gap within the workforce has been a deep rooted issue in American society long throughout history. For many different reasons women have faced discrimination, unfair treatment, and wage disparities compared to men in similar positions. Claudia Goldin states that change and improvement within the workforce took so long due to factors such as marriage bars [1] and hours of work and part-time employment. While there is clear and consistent evidence supporting the marriage bars and hours of work and part-time employment as leading factors to the slow progress for women in the workforce, Goldin leaves out important evidence regarding other factors such as discrimination within the workforce and the societal norms pertaining to occupations that were appropriate for women during this time that would have strengthened her case. In the past, women have faced, and still continue to face discrimination in all sectors of the workforce, including hiring, pay and hours, and firing. It is important to discuss all factors when attempting to analyze and understand why progress took so long for women in the workforce. “Discriminatio ...
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