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IT Impact on Small Businesses

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Computer Science
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Impact of Information
Technology on Small
Research Paper
Your Name
This paper describes the current state of information technology in the small businesses; how
IT has impacted the way business is done in that field, and what technologies
companies/individuals in that field will need to embrace to stay competitive in the future.

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Small businesses are very important in the growth of any country economically. In the modern
world there is a strong connection between Information Technology and small businesses. Small
business is very important in the economic growth of a country. Business community is
continuously getting benefits from the Information Technology such as Internet. They use market
places for the marketing of products. Traditional businesses are now changed by information
technology. If we compare current technologies with traditional technologies then we find that
new technologies provide more flexibility. They increase the interaction with business partners
and customers. When companies are facing decline period, then Information technology also has
effect on small scale businesses.
Good companies always provide a platform to customers to buy products and services. These
products and services are transformed from human materials and resources. Customers can
choose products of their needs and add them into virtual shopping cart. Later they can pay
securely and products will be shipped to their given address. Therefore there is competition
among companies to provide high quality services to customers. They should provide reliable
and flexible services by using the latest technologies.
This research paper observes the influence of information technology in insignificant businesses
and explores the essential of information technology for these businesses in the competitive
worldwide environment.

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Student Impact of Information Technology on Small Businesses Research Paper Your Name Introduction Small businesses are very important in the growth of any country economically. In the modern world there is a strong connection between Information Technology and small businesses. Small business is very important in the economic growth of a country. Business community is continuously getting benefits from the Information Technology such as Internet. They use market places for the marketing of products. Traditional businesses are now changed by information technology. If we compare current technologies with traditional technologies then we find that new technologies provide more flexibility. They increase the interaction with business partners and customers. When companies are facing decline period, then Information technology also has effect on small scale businesses. Good companies always provide a platform to customers to buy products and services. These products and services are transformed from human materials and resources. Customers can choose products of their needs and add them into virtual shopping cart. Later they can pay securely and products will be shipped to their given address. Therefore there is competition among companies to provide high quality services to customers. They should provide reliable and flexible services by using the latest technologies. This research paper observes the influence of information technology in insignificant businesses and ex ...
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