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Mississippi Valley State
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Your Turn: Applying Your Skills at Walmart
Mississippi Valley State University
Managerial Communications
BA 601
Fall 2019
Andre Smith

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When you think of Walmart, most times, negative thoughts are the first to come to mind.
However, in an effort to be seen in a brighter light and appeal to its customers, Walmart has
taken the initiative to put the welfare of mankind at the forefront. Such initiatives included
raising minimum wage to $9.00 an hour, discontinuing selling of A-15 military riffles,
supporting gay rights, and refusing to sell products that displays the Confederate flag. Although
these initiatives were enough to help their customers form a more favorable opinion of the
company, Walmart went even further to help change their image by adapting three main
strategies: global sustainability, women’s economic empowerment, and nutrition initiatives.
They began working with suppliers and training farmers to decrease greenhouse gases. They
started selling goods and products made by women and started job trainings for women who
desired better paying jobs. They also rallied for the reduction of sugar and salt in products made
by popular food brands.
Partnering with suppliers on optimizing agricultural production in efforts to reduce greenhouse
gas is a huge ordeal that goes beyond Walmart. Greenhouse gases affects our climate, our health,
and our food. It affects every person, in every state, and in every country. Therefore, as major
retailer, Walmart is setting a standard for retailers all over the world. They are demonstrating
their knowledge of what is taking place (greenhouse effect), accepting their role in contributing
to the problem, and are actively implementing ways to resolve/reduce the problem and training
other to do the same. Their decision to improve sustainability proves that they are more than just
a brand. It shows that they care about more than just the bottom line. They care about people,
communities, the earth, the environment. If Walmart can do it, everybody can. You don’t have to
be an international brand or major distributor to make a difference. You can be a small farmer in

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Your Turn: Applying Your Skills at Walmart Mississippi Valley State University Managerial Communications BA 601 Fall 2019 Andre Smith When you think of Walmart, most times, negative thoughts are the first to come to mind. However, in an effort to be seen in a brighter light and appeal to its customers, Walmart has taken the initiative to put the welfare of mankind at the forefront. Such initiatives included raising minimum wage to $9.00 an hour, discontinuing selling of A-15 military riffles, supporting gay rights, and refusing to sell products that displays the Confederate flag. Although these initiatives were enough to help their customers form a more favorable opinion of the company, Walmart went even further to help change their image by adapting three main strategies: global sustainability, women’s economic empowerment, and nutrition initiatives. They began working with suppliers and training farmers to decrease greenhouse gases. They started selling goods and products made by women and started job trainings for women who desired better paying jobs. They also rallied for the reduction of sugar and salt in products made by popular food brands. Partnering with supplier ...
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