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QSO 640
Microsoft Project
QSO 640 Project Management
There are several Microsoft Office products and project management software programs
that can help project managers successfully create and manage a project. The Microsoft Office
products are Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access, and Publisher. The project management
software programs are Primavera, Microsoft Project, Smartsheet and WorkZone. Each of these
programs are good to use, but the main one I will focus on is Microsoft Project program.
The Microsoft Project (MSP) program “lets you plan projects, assign tasks, manage
resources, and make reports” (Keup, 2020). It is currently dominating the project management
software field. While it might be under the Microsoft Office name, it is not packaged with the
software like Word and Excel. It was created in 1984 and there are two editions available:
standard and professional version (Keup, 2020). It has several features like Grid, Board, and
Timeline view, as well as Communication and Collaboration, Coauthoring, Reporting, Roadmap,
Timesheets and Resource Management (Keup, 2020). It is currently priced at the lowest tier at
$10 per user, per month, the middle tier is $30 per user, per month and the top tier is $55 per
user, per month. Some pros are that it integrates well with other Microsoft Officer products, been
around for a long time, and can be licensed as a desktop application. Some cons would be that it
has limitations on the cloud, difficult to learn and use which requires intensive training, and it
can be expensive.
When you compare the Microsoft Project program to the basic Microsoft Office
programs like Word and Excel, there are grave benefits to investing in the MSP program. My
biggest compliant with working with Excel and Word is that formatting can get tricky and
confusing at times. I spent more time organizing pages then it took me to write a paragraph.

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QSO 640 Microsoft Project QSO 640 Project Management There are several Microsoft Office products and project management software programs that can help project managers successfully create and manage a project. The Microsoft Office products are Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access, and Publisher. The project management software programs are Primavera, Microsoft Project, Smartsheet and WorkZone. Each of these programs are good to use, but the main one I will focus on is Microsoft Project program. The Microsoft Project (MSP) program “lets you plan projects, assign tasks, manage resources, and make ...
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