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Emergency Operations And Disaster Management

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Trident University International
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Emergency Operations and Disaster Management
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Emergency Response Plan
For my Session Long Project, I select San Francisco, California, as my community. One
disaster I intend to plan for in my Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is wildfire. I selected this
disaster since California is facing an increasing forest and wildfire crisis. In this regard, about forty
million acres of land inside California are in danger of wildfire, with approximately twenty million
acres in great jeopardy. Furthermore, approximately eight million acres of land in California is
established with housing unit densities considered to meet the Wildland-Urban Interface ideals
(WUI), with about fifteen million families located in the WUI. Additionally, previous wildfire
incidents have resulted in about two thousand injuries, claimed approximately a hundred lives, and
cost the governor’s office about two billion dollars due to emergency services (Brown &
Ghilarducci, 2017).
The other reason for selecting this disaster is that the growing impacts of climate change
and fire suppression have naturally augmented wildfires’ intensity in the state. In addition,
California faces many years of severe drought conditions due to its fire threat that results in
unprecedented activity changes and fire behavior. For instance, the 2020 fire season broke many
records. Five of the state’s six major fires in recent history scorched all at once, forcing thousands
of individuals to flee their homes, destroying thousands of buildings, and exposing millions to
dangerous, unhealthy air. From this viewpoint, more than four million acres of land burned across
the state. On another matter, I intend to plan for this disaster since it will help restore the health of
our diverse landscapes and forests across the state by strengthening wildfire preparation.

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MODULE 1 SLP 1 1 Emergency Operations and Disaster Management Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name Professor's Name Date MODULE 1 SLP 1 2 Emergency Response Plan Wildfires For my Session Long Project, I select San Francisco, California, as my community. One disaster I intend to plan for in my Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is wildfire. I selected this disaster since California is facing an increasing forest and wildfire crisis. In this regard, about forty million acres of land inside California are in danger of wildfire, with approximately twenty million acres in great jeopardy. Furthermore, approximately eight million acres of land in California is established with housing unit densities considered to meet the Wildland-Urban Interface ideals (WUI), with about fifteen million families located in the WUI. Additionally, previous wildfire incidents have resulted in about two thousand injuries, claimed approximately a hundred lives, and cost the governor’s office about two billion dollars due to emergency services (Brown & Ghilarducci, 2017). The other reason for selecting this disaster is that the growing impacts of climate change and fire suppression have naturally augmented wildfires’ intensity in the state. In addition, California faces many years of severe drought conditions due to its fire threat that results in unprecedented activity changes and fire behavior. For instance, the 2020 fire season broke many records. Five of the state’s six major ...
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