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The Impact Of Change In Medicine On Healthcare Standards And Policies In The Healthcare Sector.edited

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Grand Canyon University
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The Impact of Change in Medicine on Healthcare Standards and Policies in the Healthcare
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Grand Canyon University

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The Impact of Change in Medicine on Healthcare Standards and Policies in the Healthcare
Avanesova, A. A., & Shamliyan, T. A. (2019). Worldwide implementation of telemedicine
programs in association with research performance and health policy. Health Policy and
Technology, 8(2), 179-191.
Avanesova & Shamilyan (2019) explain that telemedicine was implemented related to
countries’ eHealth policy and capacity building. Besides, the implementation of
telemedicine in the healthcare sector has been enhanced by collaboration with
telecommunication industry. Integrating telemedicine in the healthcare sector has further
facilitated the implementation of eHealth policies, programs, and standards. These
policies are implemented and aligned with the necessary legal frameworks, healthcare
density, and country population (Avanesova & Shamliyan, 2019). The implementation of
these healthcare policies allows physicians and nurses to make evidence-based decisions
targeted toward providing the best available care to the populations in most need.
According to Avanesova & Shamliyan (2019), eHealth policies and standards allow for
the training of healthcare providers and HR training for the health information systems.
Moreover, telemedicine and associated policies enhance a national universal health
coverage through capacity building and access to patients’ electronic health records
(EHRs). This resource is useful for the study because it focuses on the worldwide
implementation of telemedicine and the impact on healthcare policy implementation to
address patient safety and quality of care.
Chinitz, D. (2019). The more health policies change, the more they change the same way. Israel
Journal of health policy research, 8(1), 1-5. https://doi:10.1186/s13584-019-0308-6

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1 The Impact of Change in Medicine on Healthcare Standards and Policies in the Healthcare Sector Your Name Goes Here Grand Canyon University Date 2 The Impact of Change in Medicine on Healthcare Standards and Policies in the Healthcare Sector Avanesova, A. A., & Shamliyan, T. A. (2019). Worldwide implementation of telemedicine programs in association with research performance and health policy. Health Policy and Technology, 8(2), 179-191. Avanesova & Shamilyan (2019) explain that telemedicine was implemented related to countries’ eHealth policy and capacity building. Besides, the implementation of telemedicine in the healthcare sector has been enhanced by collaboration with telecommunication industry. Integrating telemedicine in the healthcare sector has further facilitated the implementation of eHealth policies, programs, and standards. These policies are implemented and aligned with the necessary legal frameworks, healthcare density, and country population (Avanesova & Shamliyan, 2019). The implementation of these healthcare policies allows physicians and nurses to make evidence-based decisions targeted toward providing the best available care to the populations in most need. According to Avanesova & Shamliyan (2019), eHealth policies and standards allow for the training of healthcare providers and HR training for the health information systems. Moreover, telemedicine and associated policies enhance a national universal healt ...
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